We all know from the wisest: save money and invest in your future.
But the problem is that there are many things to consider when you are trying to put aside a little money, especially when a stack of invoices is watching you and they seem to increase from month to month. So, how to not radically change your lifestyle and still make a saving plan?
In this article you will find some realistic advices to start saving money.
Plan your budget
Okay, we know it sounds like a base point and common sense, but the first step to becoming more aware of the need for saving money is to be confronted with your financial situation.
Make a list of all your expenses and how much it costs every month: rent, rate, maintenance, phone, TV cable, internet, insurance, gym memberships, shopping and everything else. If you have decimals, always round up in addition, not minus.
After you have written everything and gathered, divide the list in two parts, based on a period in a month in which you pay and see exactly where your money goes. It would be ideal to have money in the end. That money are the ones that will be allocated for fun and economy.
Think on money saving like an expense
This is definitely a crucial point. Do you know about that budget you just made? Put the savings as one of the expenses. Regardless of the amount, the fact that you are committed to put money aside is a safe way to accumulate some wealth.
Set automatic bank withdrawals
If you want to be sure that you put aside a certain amount of money every month, talk to a representative of the bank where your salary is transferred or set up an automatic transfer online from your current account to your savings account. If you never "see" the money, you will not be tempted to spend them.
Keep the money in your hand
Certainly the credit or debit cards are convenient and easy to use. The problem is that they are so handy and we are quickly losing the cost of spending. Calculate how much money you need to spend for shopping, entertainment and unplanned expenses every week, multiply by four and withdraw your money every time when you are paid. Put them in envelopes or money boxes, and then don’t retire more the money until the salary.
Receive free money
It's very annoying to carry after you a massive stack of loyalty cards. But you know what's even more annoying? To say "NO" to the money that you receive for free and that's exactly what these cards offer. You can lose the weight of these cards by installing the VirtualCards App, so you turn all your plastic cards into virtual cards. Retailers usually offer discounts from 7% to 20% based on this type of card and other punctual benefits, if it's the promotional period.
Each discount is collected at the end of the month and you can transfer the money that you saved to your savings account, so you will not be tempted to spend for something else. Free money, what else!
Collect what remains
You probably know at least one person who keeps all his pennies in a certain drawer or jar. Start using an opaque box to put pennies in it (money box, old coffee box, etc.). At the end of each week put in that box the pennies from your wallet or the ones that you left scattered around the house. Don’t put the pennies in a transparent box, you will see the money and you'll be tempted to remove some of them.
Alternatively, you can do the same thing with the online bank transfer. Do you remember that I said above to round up in addition, not in minus? In the end of the month, you can transfer the money to your savings account (even if there are only a few). Finally, they gather.
Go shopping with a full stomach and made a shopping list
We know that no one can live in the extreme conditions of the urban jungle without a morning coffee. Or without a warm white chocolate at the end of a very long day. We understand, life sometimes gives you more lemons than you need. But if you didn’t plan to spend that money, they are lost money.
Instead, try to be creative, to adapt a little (maybe a simple coffee with milk made at home instead of that coffee latte from that bar or, better, buy that good coffee when it comes with discounts from VirtualCards partners). This way, spending on fun will drop with every salary, but not in your detriment.
Plan your meals
We encourage you to plan your meals. Besides the fact that in this way you make sure that you eat healthy and quality food every day during the week, you save money as well. Think about it: knowing that you already have something to eat, you get rid of the temptation to order pizza in the last minute.
Why would you spend a lot of money at the restaurant for a meal that would cost you less at home? Prepare your food for work.
Do you want to save even more money? Plan your dishes based on weekly discounts from supermarkets. See what's on offer and think about what would you like to eat with those ingredients.
And when you cook, be careful what you consume! Every time when you open the oven door, you lose between 20 and 40 degrees Celsius. Use the microwave oven when you want to heat your food. It's not the healthiest way, but it consumes 33% less than the stove.
If you have a budget to invest, buy electronics only type A or A +. They consume less energy and give a better yield. In this way you can reduce energy consumption by 50%. Follow VirtualCards offers from retailers where you can find great prices at this range!
The Surprise Box
This rule applies to couples and groups of friends too: think of a number of fun activities that you can do, that cost you nothing, write them on papers and put them in a jar. For example: go climbing if you have mountains near you, run for a marathon, stay at home for a spa night, make a home movie marathon, a games night, etc. Whenever your wallet is empty, pick up a jar idea and have fun knowing that you are enjoying with your friends and not breaking the “piggy bank”.
Be the master of your house
It's incredible how much you can do with a little bit of vinegar, sodium bicarbonate and lemon when it comes to cleaning the house. Apart from the fact that it’s easy to create your own cleaning products, it’s also economical. And as a bonus: everything is eco!
And do you know what is easy to do? The bread. All you need is a little yeast, flour and patience. These and other things you can do in the house, it may not be possible for everyone, but if you have a free hour to make four or five loaves (freezes what's extra), certainly in a long-term these things will be seen in the budget.
Plan to have a financial meeting with yourself
So are you already following all these tips and it's still hard for you to put a little pennies from every paycheck? We know, it's a little harder at first, but you'll do it! Finance planning is a continuous adventure, you can think of it like a change in lifestyle. Set up one day in each month to have a financial meeting with yourself (and with your life partner), where to sit face to face with the expenses of that month and to see them again- see where you did and where were the escapes and do better next month.
Let’s do it! Let’s save the money!
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